Democratizing competitive math.

We make mathematics accessible for everyone.

Math4All is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting math/problem solving and making mathematics more accessible. By offering free, high-quality contests and classes, we aim to level the playing field in competitive math for underprivileged students who can’t afford expensive textbooks/tutoring, as well as foster a love for math and problem solving in many students as possible. Moreover, we aim to build a welcoming and passionate community of students all over the world who love math.


We offer courses on a variety of different subjects in competitive math, each taught by a highly qualified instructor from our team. The courses are free of charge and open to everyone. In addition, we provide free one-on-one support to students who need help or are struggling with any area of math.


We hold several large-scale math competitions throughout the year intended to reach as many students as possible and engage them in mathematics. Our contests are made to be accessible to students new to competitive math while still challenging to highly experienced students. We also award large prizes for contest winners and participants.


We bring together students from all over the world to create a welcoming community for middle and high school students who love math. Our aim is to connect students who don’t have access to local competitive math communities with other students who are similarly passionate about math.